Package: pumpkin.display
The DisplayObject is a base class that can be added to a display lists. All functionality is derrived from this class, any object that appears on the screen or is rendered will inherit this class.
Create empty display object. |
Get the combined matrix. | |
Get the combined matrix. | |
Set the DisplayObject local bounding box. | |
Returns a Rectangle of the DisplayObject relative to the target. | |
Updates local bounding box from the DisplayObject contents. | |
Get the DisplayObject transform matrix. | |
Set the local transform matrix. | |
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Get the DisplayObject under the x,y position. | |
Get the DisplayObject under the position. | |
Transform the local position to global stage space. | |
Transform the global position to local space. | |
Transform the global position to local space. | |
Helper to calculate the inherited alpha blend value from the DisplayObject parents. | |
Helper to calculate the inherited color transform from the DisplayObject parents. | |
Helper to calculate the inherited blendmode from the DisplayObject parents. | |
Frame update handler ( internal ) | |
Invalidate internal transform matrix cache. | |
Get a child DisplayObject by name. | |
Get a child DisplayObject | |
Get a child DisplayObject at an index. | |
Get a child DisplayObject | |
Sets the color transform and every child object ( unstable ). | |
Sets the color transform and every child object ( unstable ). | |
Broadcast event to the DisplayObject and its children. | |
Fire event on the current DisplayObject. | |
Start dragging the DisplayObject, locks position relative to the mouse position. | |
Start dragging the DisplayObject, release on global mouse up. | |
Start dragging the DisplayObject, constrain to a rectangle. | |
Stop dragging this DisplayObject. | |
A reference to the Stage when this or one of its parents exist on the stage. | |
Indicates the name of the DisplayObject. | |
Flags changes to display objects. | |
Not imlemented. | |
Not imlemented. | |
Not imlemented. | |
Associate user data with this display object. | |
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Not implemented. | |
Not implemented. | |
Not implemented. | |
Clip rect, clips contents this object and its children in the given rectangle in local space. | |
Has clip rect. | |
[alpha][dev] Experimental bitmap mask implementation. | |
Indicates the local mouse x position in pixels. | |
Indicates the local mouse y position in pixels. | |
Indicates the x coordinate of the DisplayObject in local coordinates relative to the parent DisplayObjectContainer. | |
Indicates the y coordinate of the DisplayObject in local coordinates relative to the parent DisplayObjectContainer. | |
Indicates the z offset of the DisplayObject in world coordinates. | |
Indicates the rotation of the DisplayObject in degrees relative to the parent DisplayObjectContainer. | |
Indicates the x scale of the DisplayObject in normal units relative to the parent DisplayObjectContainer. | |
Indicates the y scale of the DisplayObject in normal units relative to the parent DisplayObjectContainer. | |
Indicates the alpha blending value of the DisplayObject. | |
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Indicates the DisplayObject visibility. | |
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Set when the DisplayObject is attached to a parent DisplayObjectContainer. | |
Indicates the DisplayObject width in pixels. | |
Indicates the DisplayObject height in pixels. | |
Indicates the DisplayObject blend mode. | |
Indicates the DisplayObject color transform. | |
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Indicates transform info applied to this DisplayObject from the exported swf. | |
Exported source width in pixels. | |
Exported source height in pixels. | |
Indicates interaction info, useful for associating interactive meta data with display objects such as tab/joystick index, tooltips etc. | |
Indicates unique display object id. |
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Add listener function to response to the event type. | |
Add listener function to response to the event type with capture. | |
Add GameObject message handler, dispatching event sends message to the method name listenerFun. | |
Add GameObject message handler, dispatching event sends message to the method name listenerFun with capture. | |
Same as dispatchEvent but void return type workarround for closures. | |
Dispatches an even bound using addEventListener. | |
Remove all event listeners. | |
Remove event listener. | |
Remove event listener with capture. | |
Remove event listener. | |
Remove event listener with capture. | |
Returns true if the event is being listened on. | |
Returns true if the event is being listened on. | |
Returns all event listeners. |
Global max call depth all event dispatchers can recurse. |